Phoebe Malone Acupuncture Burleigh Heads Queensland

A catalyst for true change

Phoebe helps people get out of pain, support physical performance, manage stress and overwhelm.

  • Stress Less

    “I’m so stressed and overwhelmed, I can’t think clearly, my gut is playing up and I can’t seem to switch off”.
    Does this sound like you?

    Has self care totally gone out the window, or are you doing all ‘the right things’ and feel as though it’s getting you no where?

    What you need is an actual change in your physiology, a switch in nervous system and state of being, which is exactly what acupuncture provides.

  • Dissolve Pain

    Are you suffering from daily pain and tension? Did you suffer an injury, or did it worsen over time?

    Our body and brain get stuck in a loop of pain, even when the injury has completely healed, what we need is an interference in the circuit.

    Acupuncture can help you regain function and receive pain so you can get back to doing what you love.

  • PMS Breakthrough

    I’ve been seeing a pattern in clinic the past 6 months, ‘My period has totally changed! I was always regular and now it’s coming 10 days early, or I’ve never had pain like this before!’ Others are feeling more sadness and frustration leading up to their periods too.

    Women are confused and in pain. We don’t need to settle for this. There are so many hacks we can use to take charge of our cycle, fertility and hormones. Acupuncture & herbal medicines are profound tools in helping with cycle health and regulation.

  • Gain Clarity

    With all the chaos happening In the world, are you feeling stuck, foggy and heavy headed, unable to move forward and follow your path?

    You are not alone! We are all feeling this collectively at the moment.

    Through intense periods of stress like we have been experiencing, we tend to either eat too much damp causing foods, or under eat. Leaving us feeling depleted, foggy and heavy.

    We can work on cleaning out those cobwebs, allowing you to finally find clarity and move forward in your life.

I believe our modern world is rendering us powerless.

We have broken our trust with ourselves and our innate knowing.

We no longer look to ourselves to take full responsibility in our lives for the circumstances we find ourselves in. I believe, by rebuilding our intrinsic trust, by taking responsibility again, we can have the life we dream of!

  • Acupuncture

    Acupuncture is a key aspect of traditional medicine where we insert very fine, stainless steel needles into the body at various acupuncture points. It is minimally invasive and is aimed at stimulating nerve-rich areas on the body to influence our brain and nervous systems, as well as muscles, tendons and bones.

  • Chinese Herbal Medicine

    Chinese herbal formulas may be prescribed to assist with your treatment progression. Chinese herbalism has been developed over millennia and is a beautiful art and science that works synergistically with acupuncture and other Chinese medicine modalities.

  • Cupping

    Glass fire cupping is a powerful therapy for moving stagnation, which is akin to pain and restricted range of motion. This therapy increases blood flow to the area while carrying away toxins that are stored in tight muscles and injured areas. Cupping also enhances immune function and reduces the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms.

  • Electroacupuncture

    In some cases of long term or severe pain, I may use electroacupuncture which is the electrical stimulation of acupuncture points. The electrical current stimulates the brain to release its own pain relief substances, while simultaneously increasing blood flow to the area and enhancing immune and lymphatic function to reduce pain and heal the tissue.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

What is Acupuncture? 

Acupuncture is a component of Traditional Chinese Medicine that involves the insertion of very fine, sterile, single use needles into acupuncture points on the body. We select these points based on the individuals presentation, signs and symptoms unique to them at that time. Through the use of acupuncture we are aiming to reinstate the natural free flow of ‘Qi and Blood’ in the body which allows the body to function most optimally.

This modality has had a rich history throughout China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan over the past 2000 years. In Australia, Acupuncture has seen rapid growth in popularity and utility since the 1990’s, with 80% of GP’s now referring patients to Acupuncturists.

In Australia, and globally, there is a strong body of evidence supporting ​the use of acupuncture in conditions such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, gynaecological and obstetrical conditions, cancer treatment side effects, acute and chronic pain conditions as well as respiratory conditions and allergies.

What does acupuncture feel like?

Acupuncture needles are a similar diameter the hair on your head! Most people report feeling no pain when needles are inserted, instead there is more of a sensation of pressure, aching, heaviness or vibration. There are many styles of acupuncture, and Phoebe practices a very gentle needling style that doesn’t involve strong sensations or stimulation.

How does acupuncture affect the body?

When stimulating acupuncture points, with needles or moxibustion a stimulus is sent to the brain, this stimulus causes a cascade of chemical, hormonal and immune effects locally at the point and also throughout the entire body and brain. Another mechanism of action of acupuncture, is it’s ability to drop us into the parasympathetic (heal, rest & digest) nervous system, and out of the sympathetic state which is the fight, flight and freeze. These two states are natural for us to switch between, however with the intensity and stress of our modern lives, we are commonly stuck in the sympathetic state feeling overwhelmed and frazzled. Through the theories of this ancient medicine, we are able to stimulate the bodies innate healing response and tweak your physiology to promote balance, emotional and physical well-being.

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